

Environmental Science

The Department of Environmental Science is one among the pioneer departments established in Government Degree College, Kangan Ganderbal. It is one of the growing departments with highly qualified and skilled faculty members who always have been on toes to uplift the rank and reputation of the department and the college with their vast knowledge and experience. Environmental Science is a multidisciplinary subject which provide a base-

— To understand biotic components Life sciences including botany, zoology, microbiology, genetics, biochemistry are necessary.
— To understand physical and chemical nature of the abiotic components can be understood through chemistry, physics, geology, geography, oceanography,     atmospheric sciences.
— To understand economic, Sociology and mass communication.
— To understand environmental engineering, civil and chemical engineering.
— To understand environmental Laws for guidelines and legalities.

Like other departments, the Environmental Science department has been very supportive and helpful to the students related to their academic and non academic issues. Currently, the department is handling and working with two subject's viz. Environmental Science and Disaster Management belonging to the same school i.e. Earth and Environmental Science. The problems of student such as lack of study material and financial support have been compensated with best of the resources, scholarships and other materials in order to bright future of the students. In general, the college is doing its best to pull out best performances from the students and to excel their all round development. The department is also working on engaging students in non curriculum activities such as cleanliness drives, educational and scientific tours to different places which are having cultural and environmental significances especially in fragile ecosystem of the region such as Sonamarg.

The department was established with the aim of creating awareness about nature and its importance in our lives and also for improving the quality of environment particularly when deterioration and contamination of natural resources is increasing exponentially. This idea has transformed into budding repository of knowledge which enlightened professionalism and excellence. Department of Environmental Science is one of the primary departments involved in quality interdisciplinary teaching, research, outreach and consultancy. The key attributes of the Department curriculum include the various dimensions of teaching of environment- pollution, chemistry, Geoscience, toxicology, microbiology, engineering, biotechnology, planning and auditing, natural resource, ecology and biodiversity, aquatic and terrestrial ecology, EIA, Remote Sensing etc.

Since its inception the department has proved to be as the center for environmental education and research enhancing knowledge and understanding dynamics in science of environment by identifying, planning and conducting research programmes on problems of regional, national and international importance. The department strives to render community outreach through capacity building and environmental awareness programmes. Department has diversified interest in various facets and dimensions of environment ranging from physical, chemical, biological and cultural. Direct connection between the environment and human beings provides a bonus importance thereby making the discipline more valued and relevant. The Department has to its credit a professional and trained caravan who is working in different capacities especially in the education department. Department is attraction for career making to students who value the enabling and encouraging atmosphere for carving out the hidden potentials of human resources and to better place and position it for greater cause and service.

In light of the changing economic and environmental scenario and industry—institute interface attracting attention, faculty and researchers is encouraged for undertaking consultancy projects as an important means for extending value of research work and expertise to the industrial and economic growth and environmental protection of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir and country in general. Therefore, as a matter of policy, faculty is dressed and well equipped to take the research and consultancy assignments which have a better bearing on regional and national level.

Year of Establishment 2011
Faculty Position
Intake capacity
Future Perspective Plans/ Vision

  1. To aspire and encourage the younger generation in taking up the academic career in pure and applied sciences through various outreach program.
  2. To generate well-acquainted and proficient faculties of national and international standard having the pure dedication on research and teaching profession in the field of Environmental Science, Disaster Management and other sectors.
  3. To develop certain core facilities and appropriate world class research laboratories to synergies both the teaching and research.
  4. To promote current facility of study material- library and to provide easy access to online digital library, journals, magazines, newsletters, research articles in near future.
  5. The Department is committed to strive for excellence in Teaching/ Research and aims to create trained/ quality human resources who master knowledge, skill and leadership to understand the challenges of environmental problems the country is facing and in the future ahead.

Career Options

"Environmental science is a vast and comprehensive field with a plethora of career options." Environmental science is a field of study in which you can learn about a variety of strategies for protecting the environment while conserving resources. As a result, environmental scientists, environmental biologists, environmental engineers, environmental modellers, and environmental journalists have a wealth of work opportunities. Mines, fertilizer plants, the textile and dying industry, food processing units, and other industries employ environmental scientists.

After earning a degree in this subject, you will have a wide range of job options. You can easily work in the government, commercial sector, and a variety of different businesses. You can also work as a professor in a college or university. Various entities, such as the Pollution Control Board, Water Authority, and Urban Planning, employ people in this field. Many commercial enterprises, such as food processing industries, refineries, distilleries, and fertilizer facilities, are also employing graduates in the industries. Managerial positions are also available in fertilizer plants and food processing firms. Environmental Journalist at any newspaper, magazine, or television station is another option for graduates in this sector. Many non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are developing in their efforts to address environmental challenges, and you can join them if you so desire.

  • Address

    Department of Environment Science
    Government Degree College Kangan Ganderbal (J&K) -191202

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